On HumansOctober 01, 202300:07:565.45 MB

1-Year Anniversary Announcements!

On Humans is one year old today! To celebrate, I am announcing some novel ways for you to consume this content. Some of these are operational already. Some will start soon. All will benefit from your support today. Check these out!

Thank you as always for listening. Without your attention, this work would not be worthwhile.

Novel offering and ways to support:

Subscribe to On Humans on YouTube! This way, you will be notified of the upcoming video content. This also helps me massively in getting the attention of the YouTube algorithm.


Subscribe to On Humans on Substack! You will get longer show notes and essays based on the interviews. Delivered straight to your inbox (if you like that).


Financial support

Become a supporter on Patreon to show some serious love AND receive pre-publication prefaces to each episode.


Interested in more serious learning? Consider the Learning Track (available via Patreon or email negotiation) and turn the podcast into a more structured university-style learning experience around themes that interest you. This includes monthly seminar-style video calls with me.

For details, get in touch with me to:


You can also send me a one-off gift via PayPal. My account is linked to:


Thank you for all your support!

Take care,
